I am not neither in to you nor crossed by you , but how could you obsess my mind ?
How dare you are to fill my mind by your smile ?
How did it happen?
I remember all days I disliked you , I remember all words people were telling me to reduce this hatred !
How did I hate you when I didn’t know you?
How does it happen that you know me but I cant remember you?
You were even that much unimportant to me that I even don’t recall what I have told you in my conversation .
But , now….
I don’t feel any hatred !
I just remember I told a lie to you ..
I said it last week , yes ! it was last week …
I told you I never get used to any …
To be honest at the time I thought so ….
But now , I feel missing you ,
Missing your smile in my thought,
Missing your truth,