I am not neither in to you nor crossed by you , but how could you obsess my mind ?
How dare you are to fill my mind by your smile ?
How did it happen?
I remember all days I disliked you , I remember all words people were telling me to reduce this hatred !
How did I hate you when I didn’t know you?
How does it happen that you know me but I cant remember you?
You were even that much unimportant to me that I even don’t recall what I have told you in my conversation .
But , now….
I don’t feel any hatred !
I just remember I told a lie to you ..
I said it last week , yes ! it was last week …
I told you I never get used to any …
To be honest at the time I thought so ….
But now , I feel missing you ,
Missing your smile in my thought,
Missing your truth,
Some times it takes time to trust one another , and always it's just a second ...
that every thing diappears.
now , in this infinitesimal second you feel hell ...
and after this sole second you feel "how time flies"
the result would be an experience which is DONT TRUST ANYMORE.
but next time you trust you feel you are a man not following instrinct, not following wild world rules and not ...
you trust again and again and you convince yourself one by one.
here you are , a man with despair who has no chance not to trust.
This is our lost paradise...
when we are both lost in this big land , we dont have home exept here
Yes , we are lost and we d better go through what is lost here .
please when you get here find me as a lost person and teach me what is need that a domestic should know.it is a long time that I havent lived
will learn but I dont promise to obey you , I am not tame...
be careful
at least until I find a person who tame me.